Praises & Possibities 20/21
Happy New Year!
I believe that we all are thankful that 2020 is finally in our rearview mirror. Many in our RM family experienced hardship during this past year. Our hearts and prayers went out to those who lost loved ones due to COVID19. However, God is amazingly good; He brought us through the pandemic and we see a bright horizon.
I want to thank you for your continued support to Rainbow Missions. Through your generous contributions we were able to financially support our blind college students, and our Autism Center. Students education and training was impacted by the pandemic but through God’s grace we persevered. 2020 was the first year that RM was not able to lead our short-term service trips, which is one of our yearly highlights, due to the COVID pandemic. However, our staff and volunteers were able to maintain rel ationships with our overseas teammates and children through We Chat and other on-line tools. Last fall we were not able to host our annual fundraising dinners but our ingenious staff found a way to host two social distance events in a local church parking lot. The events were well attended by drive-in cars and also an on-line audience that reached friends and supporters in several countries. Many people told us that they were blessed by these creative events.
RM is looking into potential ministry expansion this coming year, God willing. More information will be provided as details are firmed up. Please continue praying for RM. I ask that you specifically pray for a quick distribution of the vaccine and herd immunity so that we can continue our service trips. Pray for protection of staff and volunteers in country and pray that God would continue to bless RM and give us wisdom on how to achieve His goals in serving the disabled children and their families in China.
Thank you again for your generous support!
Craig Walker
Rainbow Missions.