Our Featured Services
Rainbow Missions seek to bring hope for a brighter future by providing people with disabilities in China with physical, mental and spiritual support and care. Check out “What We Do” page for an overview of our services. We would also like to highlight a few stories of our service areas.
Blind and Visually Impaired
You may think that serving blind and visually impaired people in China is obvious to us since one of our founders is visually impaired. But actually it is not the reason we chose this group in China in the beginning. In 2004, Peter and Bosco visited a school for hearing impaired children, a school for…
Cerebral Palsy
When you think you don’t know much about cerebral palsy, you are not alone. Our two founders didn’t know much until they met a friend in Southern China who runs a treatment and education center for children with cerebral palsy in 2007. They chatted with the parents in the treatment center. Every parent loves their…
Helping Autism
Have you ever interacted with a child or teenager who is autistic? You may feel frustrated because they seem not to be paying any attention to you. Samuel had this kind of experience many years ago when he and his wife raised their son Isaac. They can feel the frustration and pain the parents with…