“Faithful God!”
Dear brothers and sisters, I am very glad to share some of RM’s important developments over the past two years; that is, during the pandemic…
- We continued to financially support the living costs and tuition of visually impaired college students and rehabilitation training expenses of children at the CC autism center.
- We also continued to sponsor RM field workers and about 10 teachers at the autism center to receive regular training courses for continuing education.
- During the pandemic, we were unable to go to the field, but God's work was not hindered. At the end of last year, we hired 2 more (besides YY) full-time field workers and in November 2021 provided everyone medical/retirement insurance.
- We also continued to financially support one of our sponsored students, Liang Haoran's mother Zheng Dong, for full-time training to become a teacher for special needs children.
- About 80% of children on the autism spectrum are boys, but most of the special education teachers are women. To meet their needs, we began subsidizing the services of a male teacher in November 2021 to provide self-care training for adolescents in the autism center.
- We began a group home project in Shenyang in January 2022 to provide high-functioning adolescents on the autism spectrum training in independent living as well as social and vocational skills. The long-term goals are to enable them to live and work independently, get along with and support one another, and give back to society.
- Since March 2022, we’ve provided teachers and parents in the field online application behavior analysis (ABA) training courses every other week.
Our teacher Iris, who is an applied behavioral analyst, has a special love for our special needs children in China. Despite a full-time job and a family with two preschool children to take care of, Iris is very committed to supporting our parents, who are deeply touched by her sacrificial love!
- At the beginning of this year, we provided urgent financial support for students and parents who were facing financial challenges during the pandemic when many cities were locked down.
- In June 2022, we hired a full-time teacher for the Shenyang group home to develop the ministry there with other RM field workers. As such, we now have a total of 4 full-time employees in China.
- One of our field staff, YY, recently moved to Shenzhen because her husband accepted a job offer there. She will help us connect like-minded NGO (non-governmental organizations) to provide job coaching opportunities for youth with special needs in cities in Guangdong Province.
- Praise God! Two visually impaired graduate students, Shi Lele (Changsha) and Guo Yaoying (Beijing) who graduated this summer, accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. Both are committed to grow in their Christian faith! We are arranging a Zoom meeting for them to meet their sponsors who have supported them for many years. Everyone is looking forward to encouraging and blessing one another through Zoom!
It's as Chiao Mama said: The grace of the Lord can't be said enough! Let us continue to work together to bless children with special needs and their families in China. Thank you for your faithful and continued support!