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Ways to Donate

When making a donation, please indicate in the memo or notes which area you want to support (e.g. General Fund, STST, Sponsorships, etc.)

Refer to the Choose Where Your Donation Goes for more details on each area needing funding.

Credit/Debit or Bank Transfer


Please indicate in the notes which area you want to support

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Please indicate in the notes which area you want to support

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( Email:

or telephone


Please make checks payable to:
"Rainbow Missions"

Mail check to: 

Rainbow Missions

P.O. Box 40145

Bellevue, WA 98015-4145

Choose Where Your Donation Goes

These are the areas you can give financial support to:

Rainbow Missions General Fund

This fund covers operational expenses (staff costs, rental, supplies, insurance, etc.)

Short Term Service Trip (STST)

Each year, we make trips to China in order to serve the less fortunate. The participants are supposed to fund-raise for their trip. You can partner with them and support their effort by donating to the Short-Term Service Trip fund pool.

Long Term Service (LTS)

We send workers and hire local staff who are stationed in China on a long-term basis to serve the locals. This fund will help take care of their daily financial expenses including program expenses in China

Sponsorship Program

We sponsor financially needy visually impaired students, children with Cerebral Palsy, and children with Autism to receive education, vocational training and rehabilitation.

Learn More

Christmas Gifting

A gift to support our sponsored disabled child, youth, their families, teachers etc.

Emergency Fund

Emergency fund to a student who needs eye surgery as soon as possible. Please mention in Additional Comments (e.g. Su’s Eye Surgery, Xiao Gao’s father’s surgery, etc.)


Please mention in Additional Comments.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 206-734-7000 or

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