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Board Members

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Craig Walker

My wife Meijean and I were aware of RM for years because we attended many of the post service trip briefings at our church.  We were impressed how much love and hope a small team would bring to visually impaired children in China.  During one briefing we decided to inquire about having our family support a summer service trip -.....


Wendy Qi

Like many families, 2020 was a challenging year for us.  My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer in late April during a medical examination while on a business trip in China. This was an absolute shock to us as he had always been an active and healthy person. healthy person. .....


Lissa Law

I joined the board of Rainbow Missions in late 2019; the reason was to respond to God's prompting to serve God's people with what I have been given!  I was laid off after 22 years of service at Starbucks Coffee company.  .....

Tina Eng

“What brings you joy?” was the question posed to me.  In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, what brings me joy?  Besides my family and friends, I thought of the children, parents, and RM co-laborers for Christ in China whom I miss dearly.  They bring me joy. ...

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